Thursday, April 10, 2014

Agile and Branching

I've recently interacted with an architect who made a rather puzzling claim in defense of his curious and extraordinarily inefficient source control branching strategy. He said:
"One of the core principles of agile is to have as many branches as possible."
I didn't have a reply to this statement right away. It took a while for the absurdity of it to really sink in. He may as well have claimed that a core principle of agile is that the oceans are made of chocolate. My lack of response would have been similar, and for the same reason.

First of all, before we discuss branching in general, let's dispense with the provable falsehoods of his statement. The "core principles" of agile are, after all, highly visible for all to see:
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation 
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 
  • Responding to change over following a plan 
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Pretty succinct. So let's look at them one-by-one in this case:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

The intent here is pretty clear. This "core principle" is to favor the team members and how they interact, not to favor some particular tool or process. If a process which works well with one team doesn't work well with another team, that other team shouldn't adopt or adhere to that process. Put the team first, not the process or the tool.

Source control is a tool. Branching is a process. To favor such things despite a clear detriment to the team and to the business value is to explicitly work against the very first principle of agile. Indeed, not only does agile as a software development philosophy make no claim about tools and processes, it explicitly says not to do so.

Working software over comprehensive documentation

In this same environment I've often heard people ask that these processes and strategies at least be documented so that others can understand them. While they may put some balm on the wound in this company, it's not really a solution. If you document a fundamentally broken process, you haven't fixed anything.

The "core principle" in this case is to focus on delivering a working product. Part of doing that is to eliminate any barriers to that goal. If the developers can't make sense of the source control, that's a barrier.

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

In this case the "customer" is the rest of the business. The "contract" is the requirements given to the development team for software that the business needs. This "negotiation" takes the form of any and all meetings in which the development team and the business team plan out the release strategy so that it fits all of the branching and merging that's going to take place.

That negotiation is a lie, told by the development team, and believed by the rest of the business. There is no need for all of this branching and merging other than to simply follow somebody's process or technical plan. It provides no value to the business.

Responding to change over following a plan

And those plans, so carefully negotiated above, become set in stone. Deviating from them causes significant effort to be put forth so that the tools and processes (source control and branching) can accommodate the changes to the plan.

So that's all well and good for the "core principles" of agile, but what about source control branching? Why is it such a bad thing?

The problem with branching isn't the branching per se, it's the merging. What happens when you have to merge?

  • New bugs appear for no reason
  • Code from the same files changed by multiple people has conflicts to be manually resolved
  • You often need to re-write something you already wrote and was already working
  • If the branch was separated for a long time, you and team members need to re-address code that was written a long time ago, duplicating effort that was already done
  • The list of problems goes on and on...
Merging is painful. But, you might say, if the developers are careful then it's a lot less painful. Well, sure. That may be coincidentally true. But how much can we rely on that? Taken to an extreme to demonstrate the folly of it, if the developers were "careful" then the software would never have bugs or faults in the first place, right?

Being careful isn't a solution. Being collaborative is a solution. Branches means working in isolated silos, not interacting with each other. If code is off in a branch for months at a time, it will then need to be re-integrated with other code. It already works, but now it needs to be made to work again. If we simply practice continuous integration, we can make it work once.

This is getting a bit too philosophical, so I'll step back for a moment. The point, after all, isn't any kind of debate over what have become industry buzz-words ("agile", "continuous integration", etc.) but rather the actual delivery of value to the business. That's why we're here in the first place. That's what we're doing. We don't necessarily write software for a living. We deliver business value for a living. Software is simply a tool we use to accomplish that.

So let's ask a fundamental question...
What business value is delivered by merging branched code?
The answer is simple. None. No business value at all. Unless the actual business model of the company is to take two pieces of code, merge them, and make money off of that then there is no value in the act of merging branches. You can have those meetings and make those lies all you like, but all you're doing is trying to justify a failing in your own design. (By the way, those meetings further detract from business value.)

Value comes in the form of features added to the system. Or bugs fixed in the system. Or performance improved in the system. And time spent merging code is time not spent delivering this value. It's overhead. Cruft. And the "core principles" of agile demand that cruft be eliminated.

The business as a whole isn't thinking about how to best write software, or how to follow any given software process. The business as a whole is thinking about how to improve their products and services and maximize profit. Tools and processes related to software development are entirely unimportant to the business. And those things should never be valued above the delivery of value to the business.

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